Network Statistics (Beta)

These graphs are compiled every day based on the last block of the day.

Account Growth

There are currently 100,659 accounts registered.

Holder Concentration

This graph shows the count of accounts that have a total CCD balance larger than 1M CCD.

This graph shows the amount of CCD an account would need to have to be in the top 100 or top 250 of accounts.

CCD on exchanges

The following graph depicts how many CCD were at exchange accounts through time.

For this analysis, we have taken the following addresses as Exchange addresses: Bitfinex, Bitglobal, MEXC, AscendEX, KuCoin (canonical deposit address), KuCoin (cold storage address), KuCoin (3rd account), Coinex and LCX. We have assumed that all exchanges make use of the alias system, hence, there is one canonical account for each exchange (and possibly a cold storage address). Volume data from CoinGecko.

Exchanges use the alias system for its internal CCD wallets. Hence, we can deduce the minimum count of unique exchange wallets per exchange. A wallet is counted only if this account has made a transfer.

Network Activity

We estimate Network Activity as the daily sum of change in total balances in absolute value (locked + unlocked) for all accounts, adjusted for token inflation.

Example: take a network with two accounts, a and b, where account b is the only validator. Now suppose a sends 100 CCD to b and b receives rewards of 10 CCD. Network activity for this day would be shown as [ abs(-100) + abs(100 + 10) - (10) ] / 2, which equals to 100 ( = the transferred amount).

Transaction costs - Fee stabilization

"Transactions costs are designed to be stable in EUR terms, thereby enabling businesses and other users to predict and plan the costs of blockchain transactions."

On the chain this is expressed in micro CCD per EUR. Below we graph the cost of a regular transfer (with an energy cost of 501) over time in CCD.

Transaction Fees

There are currently 160 validators registered.

Staking (from Sirius Protocol)

Active Addresses