Please adjust your bookmarks to, this domain will be expired soon.

Account AesirX
Account Info
Account Balance Ͼ524,600.653862
Available Balance Ͼ524,600.653862
Deployed in block 5,436,829
Deployed in tx d655
Age 642 days
Nonce 68,931,988
Index 88,533
Net Worth (CCD) $2,120
Net Worth (Tokens) $0
Net Worth (Total) $2,120
Flow Graph

≤ Date ≤

Lower limit for net transfers


This account needs 1 identity to sign transactions.

Identity 1
ID Provider Notabene
Credential ID 80f3ac3dd5e82c4dc62428978e0afb9ac46c6a58ce02fdc41d50a90b508fd6c576432fd27d8ebd9da52cbf870f9670c4
Created At 2023-03
Valid To 2028-03