
Amount Ͼ13,293,843.429740
Nonce 68
Index 79,460
Net Worth (CCD) $47,936
Net Worth (Tokens) $1
Net Worth (Total) $47,937

* Currency conversion based on the following exchange rates.

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This account needs 2 identities to sign transactions.

Identity 1
ID Provider Notabene
Credential ID 8ab9d1dff4c1f1bde8e6066e53285f67d4809b6be5aa6881362bd646da5c82dd160b19796fa1e42ebbcf6a714758539f
Created At 2023-09
Valid To 2028-09
Commitment Attributes Set Date of Birth
First Name
ID Valid to
Identity Document Issuer
Identity Document Number
Identity Document Type
Last Name
Identity 2
ID Provider Notabene
Credential ID a172dbc60dffbedf748a6d7ff0f9cdfb1901b7a5c066004fbf10f077638f7d214163e691b0bf1df18fb78e2aedd7c664
Created At 2021-09
Valid To 2026-09
Commitment Attributes Set Date of Birth
First Name
ID Valid to
Identity Document Issuer
Identity Document Number
Identity Document Type
Last Name
Identity 3
ID Provider Notabene
Credential ID a1cd8481261c8ed604e69d69eb947a57f5497863ffd96fdbe073097e8712aaf1222781aa886300d2c2a317fc55c15c62
Created At 2021-09
Valid To 2026-09
Commitment Attributes Set Date of Birth
First Name
ID Valid to
Identity Document Issuer
Identity Document Number
Identity Document Type
Last Name

Release: 2024.12
Support Uptime Backend Status CCDExplorer is supported by AesirX - Decentralized Consent & Data Ownership