Please adjust your bookmarks to, this domain will be expired soon.
Address | 4prsbJTq...GbVarLYo |
Account Balance | Ͼ14,988,478.160541 |
Available Balance | Ͼ21,613.392320 |
Deployed in block | 1,834,002 |
Deployed in tx | 5384 |
Age | 1056 days |
Nonce | 16 |
Index | 73,541 |
Net Worth (CCD) | $52,173 |
Lower limit for net transfers
This account needs 1 identity to sign transactions.
Identity 1ID Provider | Notabene |
Created At | 2022-01 |
Valid To | 2027-01 |
Node name | virtual-hive-00X | |
Uptime | 58d | |
Version | 7.0.5 | |
Validator id | 73541 | |
Own Stake : | Ͼ14,964,024 | |
Delegated: | Ͼ9,739,227 | |
Total Stake: | Ͼ24,703,251 | |
Restake Earnings: | True | |
Lottery Power: | 0.304% | |
Current Payday: (i) | ||
Earliest Win Time: (i) |
30d | 90d | 180d | |
Validator rewards |
Ͼ112,850 9.65% |
Ͼ392,010 11.37% |
Ͼ793,136 11.76% |
Pool Status | open_for_all |
URL | |
Total Stake | Ͼ24,703,251 |
Total Stake (%) | 0.28681% |
Commission Rates | |
Block | 10.0% |
Transaction | 10.0% |
30d | 90d | 180d | |
Delegator rewards |
Ͼ62,035 8.09% |
Ͼ122,045 9.81% |
Ͼ204,316 10.21% |