Account (Testnet)

Did you mean Block 5?

Amount Ͼ6,282,447,686.993512
Nonce 3
Index 5
Net Worth (CCD) $21,473,846

* Currency conversion based on the following exchange rates.

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This account needs 1 identity to sign transactions.

Identity 1
ID Provider Concordium testnet IP
Credential ID a33426f86d431f2312b19213ced9df3cc97da9111a312aa1abdecef9327388d4936bc61ef6b1f7f0064b6dfc0630bbed
Created At 2022-06
Valid To 2023-06

Release: 2024.12
Support Uptime Backend Status CCDExplorer is supported by AesirX - Decentralized Consent & Data Ownership