Account (Testnet)

Amount Ͼ3,170.065545
Nonce 2,802
Index 9,172
Net Worth (CCD) $12
Net Worth (Tokens) $0
Net Worth (Total) $12

* Currency conversion based on the following exchange rates.

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This account needs 1 identity to sign transactions.

Identity 1
ID Provider Concordium testnet IP
Credential ID 92b85b79fa4a1c34d01d0a935963aedec4d0c8ed7bf4bf80dc57403a02591aae26cd3cb8cddd72f774b3dcb66b248b76
Created At 2023-06
Valid To 2024-06
Commitment Attributes Set Country of Residence
Date of Birth
First Name
ID Valid from
ID Valid to
Identity Document Issuer
Identity Document Number
Identity Document Type
Last Name
National ID number
Tax ID number

Release: 2024.12
Support Uptime Backend Status CCDExplorer is supported by AesirX - Decentralized Consent & Data Ownership